Solution: Understand cat communication and watch for warning signals. Respect your cat’s boundaries and wait for your cat to come to you for attention.
People are often afraid of cats because they had a bad experience and/or don’t understand cat behavior.
The solution is to watch for warning signals and respect the cat’s individuality.
Cats are not mini-dogs. This understanding is crucial.
You’ll also have to understand cat behavior. Aka why cats do what they do.
Here are 21 reasons and solutions to fix being afraid of cats:
- Cats scratch
- Cats bite
- Black cats are bad luck
- Cats are dirty
- Cats are expensive
- They are evil
- Cats are sneaky
- Cats are anti-social
- They spread disease
- Cats hate people
- The litter boxes stink
- Cats shed
- Cats refuse their food
- They walk around showing off their butt
- You’re allergic to cats
- Cats are dumb
- Cats kill birds
- They aren’t loyal
- Cats are annoying
- Cats puke
- They aren’t like dogs
Check out the solutions today or pin the image below to your Cat Tips board on Pinterest.

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1. Cats scratch
People are usually afraid of cats because they scratch people and furniture.

Reasons cats scratch furniture:
- Shed dead layers of claws
- Sharpen their claws
- Stress reliever
- Mark their territory
- Show excitedness
Wild cats scratch on trees to sharpen their claws for hunting. It also marks their territory.
Indoor cats have the same natural instinct.
Solution: Get proper scratching surfaces like Purrfect Post scratching post or this scratcher pad.
Don’t forget to teach the cat how to use it! You can do this with treats, toys, or by scratching it yourself.
Never declaw your cat.
This is an inhumane amputation of the toe, not just the nail. The human version of this would be losing the tip of the finger down to the last knuckle.
Reasons cats scratch people:
- Annoyed
- Feel threatened
- Being picked up
- Ignorant pet parents (harsh but true)
Cats are very apprehensive around new people. It’s better to let the cat come to you when he’s ready. Don’t force anything.
Cats do not like to be picked up.
I’ve worked with over 400 cats. Only one of those cats actually asked to be picked up.

I say ignorant pet parents because some people play with their cats with their hands. This is a big no-no.
Cats are hunters. They see play as the indoor version of hunting. So if you play using your hands, your cat sees your hands as prey. Aka fair game for clawing and biting.
Solution: Don’t pick up a cat. Let the cat come to you when he’s ready. And use toys instead of your hands when you play.
2. Cats bite
The mother cat teaches her kittens to play fight. This helps the kittens socialize and learn how to deal with stress at a young age.
Most animals do this. Not only cats.

Reasons cats bite:
- Annoyed
- Playing too far
- Boredom
Play fighting with humans doesn’t work.
Cats can get carried away in the moment. Remember, play is the indoor version of hunting.
So it’s your responsibility as a cat parent to play with your cat properly and provide mental stimulation.
Solution: Play with your cat multiple times a day to burn his energy. And provide mental stimulation to prevent boredom.
Check out my guide “my cat isn’t interested in playing” or watch the video below.
3. Black cats are bad luck
“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little-stitious” – Michael Scott, The Office
Some cultures see black cats as bad luck. And others think these cats bring fortune. The main idea behind this bad luck superstition is that the color black is associated with anarchism.
Cats don’t care if we have a government or not. So I doubt cats stand behind the anarchist agenda.
Plus, the color of the fur is determined by melanin. The same pigment that determines human skin color.
Hating or fearing cats just because of the color of their fur just doesn’t make sense.
These superstitions don’t make sense either.
You know the 13th floor is “skipped” in most buildings? The elevator buttons go from 12 to 14. But it’s still the 13th floor no matter what you call it.
It doesn’t make sense.

My family has a black cat at home named Ash. He’s a very lovable and skittish cat.
Ash loves butt scratches and playing with wand toys. He purrs and cuddles with us too.
I also worked with many black cats. Two homes each had two black cats.
One pair of black cats were so sweet and loved our visits. They ran around playing and rubbing on me for petting. Both are super talkative too.
The other pair loved to play with me. They chirped with excitement every time I visited.
Solution: Understand that a cat cannot control the color of his fur just like we can’t control the color of our skin. Treat all beings with respect.
4. Cats are dirty
Cats are actually very clean creatures and prefer to stay that way. They spend about 30% of their day grooming.
Their tongues are rough and have papillae to help with grooming and eating.

Reasons cats are dirty:
- Obesity leads to a lack of grooming
- Cat parents don’t clean the litter box
The cat parent is at fault in both situations. Another harsh truth.
Overweight and obese cats have trouble grooming areas they can’t reach.
Solution: Help your cat lose weight with healthy food. Check out my cat weight loss plan.
And unfortunately, some cat parents overlook the importance of a clean litter box.
Solution: Keep the litter box clean. Check out my 5 min/week litter cleaning routine. Or watch the video below.
5. Cats are expensive
Many people want a pet without the responsibility. But a cat is a living being that requires healthy food, a clean bathroom, and enrichment.
Switch your way of thinking when it comes to healthy cat food.
A cat eating low-quality food has a higher risk of being overweight and unhealthy.
An unhealthy cat requires more vet bills, potentially medication, and expensive “prescription” diets.
But the investment in good-quality food means a better chance of having a healthy and happy cat.
That means fewer vet bills, no stress, and no potential heartbreak.
Most Americans spend $5/day on coffee. That’s 4-5x more expensive than a completely raw diet.
Solution: Prioritize your spending and create a budget that works for you. Use my free guide to transition your picky cat to healthy food. Or watch the video below.
6. Cats are evil
Many people think cats are evil because they are not as lovey-dovey as dogs are.
But this is not true.
I always explain the difference between cats and dogs like this…
Dogs work to earn our trust. But with cats, we have to work to earn theirs.
Cats are just wary of newcomers. They are territorial creatures, and they thrive on routine.
So sudden changes (aka a new person in their home) can stress them out easily.
Solution: Respect that some beings want to get to know you first. Remind yourself that it’s better to earn respect.
Check out my guide how to introduce yourself to a cat.
7. Cats are sneaky
I love this one because cats are sneaky!
But it’s only because they want to inspect you and sniff you. Aka get to know you safely.
Cats have to be sneaky in the wild. Their survival depends on it.
All cats have these instincts.

Plus cats are much smaller than we are. So they prefer to approach you carefully and slowly.
The cat will become more comfortable (and less sneaky) once he gets to know you.
Solution: Instead of being freaked out, remember that a cat is way smaller than you. The cat is more scared of you. And he wants to make sure it’s safe before coming straight to you.
8. Cats are anti-social
Studies show that cats actually prefer human interaction to other stimuli! Including food!
But it has to be on their terms.
So we have to be patient and respect the cat’s boundaries.

What about human introverts? These people are only social when they are comfortable in their environment.
It’s the same with cats.
If your cat is anti-social, it’s because he’s not comfortable in his environment.
Jericho runs to the door when he hears the bell. He naps on my friend’s laps.
He is very social and shows us love regularly.
It’s because Jericho is comfortable in his environment. So it’s crucial to provide environmental enrichment for your indoor cat.
An active cat is a happy cat. And the same goes for dogs.
Solution: Dress your home in cat stuff. Seriously! Your cat needs to feel comfortable in his territory. The best way to provide comfort is with environmental enrichment.
Check out my complete guide on environmental enrichment. Or watch the video below for quick apartment tips.
9. Cats spread disease
You know that humans spread disease too, right?
Most diseases that cats spread come from their stool.
It’s our responsibility to take care of our health.
Here are some harsh truths.
If you’re handling poop with your bare hands and then get sick, that’s your fault.
Or if you eat without washing your hands first, that’s your fault.
Some cat parents put food and water dishes right next to the litter box. Gross!
Solution: Use gloves and a filtered face mask when scooping and cleaning the litter box. Don’t leave your cat’s food and water bowls near the litter box. Poo particles can get into the bowls and then you’ll bring them into the sink with your food dishes. Plus, do you ever eat in the bathroom?
Need a centralized place to keep track of everything related to your cat? Grab my Cat Care Binder Bundle!
10. Cats hate people
This goes back to numbers 6-8. Most pet cats do not hate people. As long as you respect their boundaries.

But yes, feral cats do not like people. Don’t assume that outdoor cats want to be petted.
Would you try to pet a wild raccoon?
Unfortunately, feral animals have bad experiences with humans and fear them forever.
Solution: Treat all beings with respect. Sometimes that means staying away from them. Cats like things to be done on their terms. So if the cat is uninterested, leave him alone.
11. The litter boxes stink
It is the cat parent’s responsibility to keep the litter box clean. Cats prefer it this way. They are very clean creatures.
Think about it like this…
You flush the toilet every time you go, right? Do you clean the bathroom weekly?
Do the same for your cat.
You should scoop after each use and clean out the box completely once weekly.
You should have one box per cat, plus extra, for multiple cat households.
Cats are territorial and clean creatures. They prefer to have private bathrooms.
Do you love going to the bathroom in porter potties? No?
Well, neither do cats.
If you hate cats because your friend’s mom had 17 cats and only three litter boxes… You dislike the wrong being.
Solution: Keep the litter box clean. It’s simple!
Again, check out my 5 mins/week litter cleaning routine.
12. Cats shed
Fur keeps animals warm, and it also protects their skin.
These coats grow and shed based on the time of the year.
This is natural for all animals.
Cats may also shed more when they are nervous or stressed.
So it’s your responsibility to brush your cat, help him with grooming, and reduce stress.

Solution: Take it slow with the brush so your cat can learn to enjoy it. Cats don’t understand the meaning behind a brush. So we have to take our time when introducing it.
I use a slicker brush for my cat, Jericho. You can find it on Amazon and Chewy. I’ve also used the love glove with other cats. The back of the love glove can be used to remove fur from clothing and furniture. This love glove is also on Amazon and Chewy.
Check out my guide on cat routines to introduce your cat to the brush.
13. Cats refuse their food
Many cats refuse their food because it’s low-quality.
Dry food and most canned foods are highly processed with gross ingredients.
For example, 4D (dead, diseased, dying, disabled) meats are allowed in pet food as long as they are rendered.

Commercial pet food is highly processed, cooked, and non-nutritious.
Wild prey is fresh, raw, and super nutritious.
Commercial pet food is the exact opposite of what cats eat in the wild.
Solution: Transition your cat’s food to better quality.
14. Cats walk around showing off their butt
Cats communicate with their tail.
If the cat’s tail is straight up (and showing off his butt) that means he is comfortable. This is a good thing!

It’s not the cat’s fault his butt is at the base of his tail.
Solution: Learn cat tail meaning to give yourself a new perspective. You assume the cat is showing you his butt. But he’s actually communicating comfort.
15. You’re allergic to cats
Did you know that some people with allergies work with doctors to train the body to recognize these things?
I know it stinks you can’t go to a friend’s house with cats.
But it’s kind of up to your friend to keep the place clean, right?
Solution: Don’t get mad at friends and family that share their lives with cats. Just tell them to clean more!
16. Cats are dumb
Cats are actually very smart and intuitive.
All animals are very smart and can feel vibration and energy changes.
They are more in touch with the quantum world.
We need to take a lesson from our furry companions.

Instead of going through the motions and living for the weekend like a robot…
Take a minute to breathe and appreciate the world around you.
Solution: Get outside in nature for 10 minutes. Hug some trees and feel that wonderful energy!
Check out my guides on how I ditched the 9-5 grind and started my blog (now earning me a full-time income!).
17. Cats kill birds
What about humans that hunt birds for sport?
And what about air pollution, hitting birds with cars, killing bugs that birds need to eat, or plowing down trees?
What about the chicken, duck, or turkey that you eat?
Did you know that some birds eat other birds?

Cats have been eating birds and rodents for thousands of years.
We’d have an overpopulation of birds and rodents if cats weren’t around.
This is the natural life cycle.
Solution: Let nature do its thing.
18. Cats aren’t loyal
Cats are very loyal when you treat them with respect.
But remember, cats are not dogs.
Don’t assume your cat will be loyal right away.
You have to earn your cat’s respect and be patient.
Solution: Embrace the difference between cats and dogs. Earning respect is much more enriching.
Check out my guide on how to bond with your cat.
19. Cats are annoying
Cats learn to communicate with humans by meowing.
They do not meow to other cats as a form of communication. They only meow at humans to get our attention.
Meowing is the cat’s way of mimicking the sounds that we make.
So if your cat meows at you this is a good thing!
Your cat feels connected and has a strong bond with you.

Typically, if your cat is being annoying (like knocking stuff off the counter) it means he’s bored.
Play with him!
Solution: Provide your cat with daily exercise and mental stimulation. You must provide this enrichment since he does not hunt indoors.
20. Cats puke
Wild cats regurgitate their food if they ingest something they shouldn’t consume. Nibbling on grass helps them regurgitate.
Hairballs and regurgitated food here and there are alright. But, if your cat pukes regularly, this is not normal.
You need to see the vet.
Again, the ingredients in processed kibble and canned foods are not of good quality.
These foods contain rendered meats that are not fit for human consumption.
So how can this be safe for cats?
Kibble and canned foods also contain unnecessary carbohydrates and fillers. Cat systems are not designed to digest grains, corn, soy, and most of the crap in these foods.
So of course they will puke it up.
Solution: Clear up any underlying issues with your veterinarian. Gradually transition your cat to healthier food and monitor his behavior.
Cat’s stomachs are highly sensitive, and any sudden changes to the diet can make him sick. A gradual transition is crucial.
Any sudden changes, regardless of quality, can wreak havoc on the digestion system.
Use my transition cat food guide.
21. Cats aren’t like dogs
All the more reason to love cats! I love dogs. But isn’t it nicer to have variety?
We already have dogs. Why would we want another animal to be like them?
Understanding the difference between cats and dogs is crucial to having a happy household.
When cats become comfortable in their environment they can be more like dogs.
My cat, Jericho, runs to the door when I come home. He sits in my lap while I work, and he cuddles with me every night. Jericho gives me kisses, and he loves to play with me.
Solution: If your cat isn’t happy to see you then you need to spend more positive time with him. Run around and play with him for 30 minutes a day (multiple play sessions).
Cats are funny when they play, and this is a wonderful way to bond.
Final thoughts on you being afraid of cats
Cats are wonderful creatures that are often misunderstood.
But you should know, that the cat cares not if you fear and dislike him. Holding on to this grief, pain, and hate is only hurting you.
You are choosing to feel negative about this. You are not allowing yourself to grow.
Fear and hate are extreme negative emotions that can be replaced easily with excitement and love.
You want to be respected, right? Respect animals just the same.
Plus, doesn’t it feel better to have love?
Need a centralized place to keep track of everything related to your cat? Grab my Cat Care Binder Bundle!