Contact me

Hi! This page is for cat parents.

You can contact me using the form below, but I cannot respond to everyone.

Please read through the FAQs below. Search my website and YouTube too!

You can pay a small fee to ask one question – this guarantees a response from me. 

I do not give personalized dietary or health advice. I cannot give any medical advice.

Businesses, brands, websites, etc. do not fill out the form below. Visit work with me instead.

Access course and membership login links here.


You can use the search bar at the bottom of this page or search my YouTube channel for product reviews. If you cannot find information on that product, it’s probably because I do not recommend it. If you still have questions, you can pay a small fee to ask me a question.

All cats are picky about food changes. Especially when they are eating dry food. You will have to eliminate dry food and gradually switch to better quality food. My Switch to Raw Blueprint video course gives you everything you need.

The best cat food brands use human-grade quality ingredients and focus on as many whole foods as possible. Please see best cat food brands. This page is updated yearly.

The best and most cost-effective cat food is a complete homemade raw meaty bones diet. Please read cost of homemade cat food.

Slowly transition to better quality food (wet or raw) and then gradually reduce the amount you feed your cat. Please go through my cat weight loss program.

A raw diet is the best way to mimic what our Creator YAHUAH intended for our cats. However, we need to use special guidance with special needs cats. Please read IBD, CKD, FLUTD, and diabetes.

A raw diet is best for cats because it’s the best way to mimic what our Creator יהוה gave our cats for food. Please go through my resources page for studies, research papers, surveys, and more.

Use a complete recipe provided by a nutritionist and gradually introduce the new diet. My Homemade Cat Food Starter Kit shows you how to make homemade cat food properly.

View all recipe details and FAQ here.

Please see my kitten care guide for everything I know about kittens.