Get healthy and easy raw cat food recipes from a pet nutritionist so you and your cat can live a happier life together.
Switch your cat from processed food to a healthy homemade raw diet easily and confidently with my signature Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint.
Get my Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint and raw cat food recipes:

Hello, my friend!
I’m Jess, and that’s my boss Jericho.
When I first started switching Jericho’s food I was kinda all over the place.
I was cat sitting and dog walking at the time so I typically left around 5 am, came home for a quick lunch break, back out, and then home around 9 pm.
I didn’t have a proper plan in place, and I actually ended up overfeeding Jericho. He gained some extra weight and went from 10 to 12 pounds.
Then I got scared of obesity and cut down his food. And then I didn’t feed him enough, and he went too far underweight.
I remember he was so desperate for nutrients that he stole a steamed carrot and even ate some of his litter clump! Poor guy!
Well, now I know the best way (and my biggest tip to you) to switch your cat’s food is to have a proper plan in place.
For me, that’s weighing Jericho weekly, tracking his eating habits daily, and taking notes every time I portion his raw food.

That way I have a proper plan for how much I need to batch out, how much to feed, and how I can adjust as needed.
If you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or overwhelmed trying to switch your cat to raw…
It’s time to get a proper plan!
A proper plan keeps you organized and motivated when life gets in the way. You stick with it and get the results you want.
Want to steal my plan? It’s tested and proven with 564+ cat parents over the years.
It’s all inside my Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint.
You get my exact plan to switch to healthy food, make homemade raw food, AND balanced raw cat food recipes.
This is the same exact plan that Sandra used for her two kibble-addicted cats Dirk and Avery. They’re both eating lightly cooked homemade food now! Dirk lost weight naturally (and without starving) and became more energetic and playful.
It’s so amazing to see our cats live a happier life when we feed healthy food!
My Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint is available in 3 formats to support all learning types:
You see, I’ve learned the hard way over and over again with cats in my life who all ate dry food.

Whiskas had a stroke, Silky had kidney disease, Chelsea had diabetes, Milo had liver failure, Cocoa died suddenly at 10 because he was dehydrated, Lucky had cancer, and Hemi was only 3.5 years old when he passed. Kidney failure.
Hemi was the push that I needed to get certified in pet nutrition.

And now I know that our cats need a healthy, fresh, species-appropriate raw diet to survive AND thrive.
𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 has made it my mission to teach you how you can switch to a raw diet easily and confidently so your cat can thrive too!
My mom’s cat Gracie used to BEG for kibble. Now she prefers raw!

With my raw cat food recipes, your cat will go from…
Picky, fussy eater → Loving healthy food
Overweight and obese → Losing weight naturally and without starving
Lazy and bored → Energetic and playful
Putrid and irregular poops → Less stinky and easier cleanup
Overly processed food → Healthy, balanced, raw diet
Get my Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint so you can start the switch to raw today!
Healthy food, happier cats!
My mom’s cat Charlie got a urinary blockage from eating dry food. He spent a week in the hospital. But now he’s healthier on a wet and raw diet!
Griffen used to RUN when he heard the kibble dispenser. Now he loves raw!

Vanesa went from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed to improving her routine and having more fun with Tomas as he started to trust his new raw diet. Vanesa has shown us that our cats just need a little extra loving and patience.

Booger is 14 and was addicted to kibble. But he still switched to raw! At 14 years old! He lost weight, became more playful, and now his coat is beautiful and glossy. Booger has shown us that it’s never too late to switch your cat to raw.

Pamela wants Ruger to have a happy and healthy life. So she switched to raw using my signature blueprint that works!

Diane’s kitty is so healthy and happy after switching to raw! My blueprint helped her switch to raw without the stress or any guesswork.

Sandra’s cats were both addicted to kibble. And Dirk started to gain unessesary weight. But now her cats love a lightly cooked homemade diet. Dirk lost weight naturally and became more energetic and playful!
Brando and CoCoNuts no longer have severe health problems they started having prior to finding my plans! Katic is saving so much money on their food and care.

Sparrow’s mom felt overwhelmed trying to figure out raw feeding on her own. My course gave her everything she needed AND MORE!

Healthy homemade cat food restored Dawna’s 7 cats from health issues. And she was able to make homemade cat food without feeling intimidated.

“Jess breaks it down into small steps and takes out the intimidation factor out of making your own cat food. It is money well-spent to get someone to help you troubleshoot problems, walk you through the process and cheer you on every step of the way.” – Dawna and her clowder

Guaranteed to support you switching your cat to raw
Now, am I guaranteeing that a raw diet is an overnight fix solution to everything? No, of course not. I cannot and will not ever make that claim. That’s just unethical and not true.
But here’s my promise to you…
I have created the best and most supportive plan possible inside my Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint.
Think, food transitions are planned out for you with tips to help your cautious (not picky!) cat love fresh food; 17 recipes for adult cats to choose from (raw and cooked); meal prep hacks; and so much more!
If you’re ready to make your cat’s food at home, my Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint is for you!