cat eating raw diet clean from plate

More and more people are learning that most commercial cat food is unhealthy. I’m often asked, “how can I naturally feed my cat?”

If you’re looking for healthy, natural cat food, you’re in the right place.

I’ve been researching cat food since 2017, and I’m a cat nutritionist student.

I’ve worked with over 400 cats.

It’s my mission to get you as close as possible to balanced, homemade cat food.

Here’s how I naturally feed my cat:

Note: Cats are sensitive to change. They will get sick if you switch food too quickly.

Please work down this natural feeding challenge in the order it’s presented.

Check out the guide today or pin the image below to your Cat Food board on Pinterest.

pin image how to feed cats naturally

This post has affiliate links through which I earn a commission. No additional cost to you. Please read my full disclaimer.

Also, nothing I say is medical advice. All photos used are of cats in my personal life.

cat licked raw food plate clean

Scheduled mealtimes for my cat

The most important thing for natural feeding is to get rid of the all-access buffet.

Your cat is most likely overeating and gaining unnecessary weight.

Cats are opportunistic hunters. They naturally hunt at dawn and dusk when prey is most active.

Ditch the all-access buffet and establish scheduled mealtimes for your cat.

Do not skip this step!

This will teach your cat to eat during scheduled mealtimes.

It will help you control portions and get your cat down to an ideal weight.

Scheduled mealtimes are much better than leaving food out all day.

Leaving dry food out all day is dangerous.

Bacteria, mold, and rancid fats grow higher and higher by the minute.

ziwi peak air dried food ingredients label

Learn cat food label rules

To choose natural, healthy cat food, you must learn how to read cat food labels and ingredients in cat food .

AAFCO does not approve cat food. Neither does the FDA.

And no one regulates the quality of cat food.

Also, AAFCO feeding trials for cat food are very loose.

It’s your responsibility to choose the best, natural cat food.

Unfortunately, AAFCO does not require carbs on the guaranteed analysis. Use a carb calculator for cat food to compare foods properly.

Choose a natural healthy cat food

Now that you know how to read cat food labels. You must choose a natural healthy cat food.

I strongly recommend learning these rules.

But I understand that cat food label rules may be confusing.

So I put together a list of good quality cat food that you can buy on Amazon. And another list of high protein low carb wet cat food.

Good quality cat food is hard to find.

Choose one of my recommendations based on your cat’s needs.

Note: If you’re feeding kibble, you will have to transition to wet food first before transitioning to raw food. Kibble and raw food don’t mix.

It is recommended to get bloodwork done before transitioning to a raw diet.

Raw food is higher in meat protein and very low in carbs (the complete opposite of kibble). So it may change your cat’s bloodwork numbers.

Knowing your cat intimately is the best tool you have.

raw cat food

Transition cat food slowly

So far, your cat should be eating at scheduled mealtimes, and you should have your new natural healthy cat food.

You will transition cat food gradually over the next 20 days.

Start with one meal.

Calculate the calories in each food.

Use the number of calories each food provides to calculate how much food to feed each day.

Food can vary in calories. This will ensure your cat is consuming the same amount of calories daily.

On day 1, feed 5% new food and 95% current food. Day 2 you will feed 10% new food and 90% current food.

Continue adding 5% new food and take out 5% current food.

After one meal is 100% new food, move on with the same guidelines for the next meal.

Tip: Check out my guide on how much to feed a cat.

mental stimulation make cat hunt for treats

Natural hunt feeding for my cat

Scheduled mealtimes of small, frequent meals with healthy cat food is a must for natural feeding. Mimic the natural hunting experience with foraging mats, feeding puzzle toys, and hide healthy treats around your home. Make feeding fun and challenging for your cat.

Hunting and foraging for food provide mental stimulation.

Indoor cats need mental stimulation to prevent boredom and stress.

Natural hunt feeding is a great way to entertain your cat.

This can also help cats that eat too quickly.

diy toilet paper roll food puzzle

Cat feeding puzzles and toys

Cat feeding puzzles and toys can help the hunting experience.

You can DIY toilet paper roll food puzzles. Create tunnels and diggers with toilet paper rolls.

I use a food mat to contain everything. But you can also use a box.

Use new TP rolls each time since you cannot wash them.

Use glass jar lids to hide healthy treats around your home. Hide them in condos, beds, tunnels, and wherever else they fit.

You can also buy food puzzles, treat-release toys, and mats for natural feed hunting.

Best cat products for hunting:

Hide the feeder mice around your home or hide food and treats directly in the foraging mat and rug.

Final thoughts on natural cat feeding

Most commercial cat food is unhealthy and unnatural to the cat.

Learn cat food label rules to choose a naturally healthy cat food. And ditch the all-access buffet.

Instead, feed your cat smaller, frequent meals at scheduled mealtimes.

Use puzzle toys and foraging mats to keep feeding fun and challenging for your cat.

Need help feeding your picky cat better? My switch your cat to raw course is for you!