This kitten care guide includes everything you need to raise a happy kitten.
Kitten essentials include feeding dishes, litter box supplies, lots of fun toys, and other enrichment supplies.
Baby kittens have a lot of energy and require daily physical activity and mental stimulation.
Additionally, kittens need litter box training and early grooming to get them used to teeth cleaning and claw trimming.
The essentials guide for proper kitten care includes:
- Clean kitten food and dishes
- Proper litter box supplies
- Fun toys for kittens
- Cat furniture and beds
- Grooming supplies
- Cat carrier and travel supplies
- A holistic veterinarian
I’ve included FAQ and linked articles with more information in each section.
Check out the guide today or pin the image below to your Kitten Care board on Pinterest.

Disclaimer: I earn a commission if you purchase through affiliate links below. No additional cost to you.

If you have not adopted yet, check out my Cat Adoption eBook (PDF doc, no sign-up required).

1. Clean kitten food and dishes
You should continue to feed your kitten whatever he was eating before he came to you. Do not start the transition to new food until your kitten is adjusted to his new home.
Cats are extremely sensitive to dietary changes and environmental changes. Your kitten will need some time to adjust to his new home.
Wait a few weeks before changing his food. You can start to transition cat food very gradually and slowly once your kitten is happy and comfortable.
Additionally, please learn how to read cat food labels properly. That way you can find the best food for your kitten.
I understand many people don’t have the time or patience to do this. So I’ve included products below.
The brands below made it on Susan Thixton’s 2023 list. That means they proved that their ingredients are of human-grade quality.
Not all of the products below say “kitten food” on the label. However, they are formulated to be complete and balanced for all life stages (which includes kittens).
Here are the best kitten foods:
Ground frozen raw, Viva Raw complete. Use code JESSCATICLES for 20% off.
Freeze-dried raw, Quest Cat Food. Use code JESSCATICLES for 25% off.
Wet food, Smalls. Use code CATICLES for $5 off your first box.
Dry food, Open Farm.
Please do not feed dry food long-term! Watch the video below or read my text guide dry food only to understand why.
Please use my transition cat food guide. It’s specifically formulated for picky cats!
Check out my guide on cat tail language to understand how your new kitten is adjusting.
Other kitten food supplies:
- Shallow food plate on Amazon and Chewy
- Ceramic water bowl (BPA-free, lead-free)
- Food-safe mat (BPA-free)
Plastic traps bacteria. Even with regular washing.
Avoid plastic dishes. Use stainless steel, ceramic, or glass instead.
Discard old food and clean food dishes after each meal.
Clean and replace water at least once daily to prevent pink residue bacteria buildup. Clean and replace it more frequently if your kitten plays in the water.
FAQ – How much should I feed my kitten?
Kittens should eat as much as required for their projected adult weight. For example, let’s say his ideal projected weight is 10 pounds. You should feed him as much food as a 10-pound cat requires. Kittens require more frequent feedings too.
Maybe you would feed an adult cat 2-3 times a day. But kittens 2-4 months of age may need to eat 4-5 times daily. And you can certainly start feeding raw during this time. As long as the raw cat food is formulated for all life stages.
Typically, feeding instructions for kittens are included on the label. Divide this amount into 4-6 meals per day. You can transition to 2-3 meals per day once your kitten reaches about 6 months.
Use a body condition score card and weigh your kitten weekly. Stay on top of his growth. Adjust caloric intake as needed. For reference, check out Martin Zuker’s Veterinarian’s Guide to Natural Remedies for Cats.

2. Proper litter box supplies
Cats deserve a clean bathroom just like you. Use sanitary supplies and clean the box regularly.
Provide one litter box per kitten, plus one extra. If you have multiple kittens, more is better.
Put your kitten in the box and let him sniff around. This will teach him that this is his bathroom.
Start with a box that has low sides so the kitten can get in and out easily.
Litter box supplies:
Stainless steel box on Amazon or Chewy (remember, plastic traps bacteria).
Metal litter scoop:
Naturally clumping kitten attractant litter:
Large litter mat:
The stainless steel box has high sides.
Perhaps you can try a (clean and new) metal baking sheet. After some time adjusting put the stainless steel litter box next to the baking sheet.
Teach your kitten to use the new box. After some time, you will remove the baking sheet.
Scoop the box after the kitten uses it and clean it out completely once weekly.
Just keep in mind, the longer you let the box sit, the longer it will take to clean.
Cats are clean creatures, and their sense of smell is much stronger than ours.
A clean litter box can help prevent health and behavior issues and stress.
I’ve scooped hundreds of boxes working as a professional cat sitter.
My litter box hacks will make your life so much easier.
FAQ – What cat litter is best?
Cats prefer naturally clumping and unscented litter. Clumps allow you to remove waste from the box. Cats are clean creatures and prefer a clean litter box. The cat’s sense of smell is much stronger than ours so unscented litter is best. I’ve tested 11 different types of clumping cat litters. The one I’ve found to be the best (that we have available) is walnut litter.
Be mindful of your kitten while he’s in the box. Kittens are curious and like to play with everything. It’s important to keep the litter box clean to avoid eating and playing with waste.

3. Fun toys for kittens
Kittens have a lot of energy and require daily physical exercise. All cats need about 30 minutes of physical playtime daily. Kittens will need much more than this.
Play with your kitten multiple times a day whenever he wants.
Best cat toys:
- All cats love TP roll toys
- Wand toys are interactive and very fun
- Wool and cotton chase toys
- Rabbit fur toys
- Catnip toys
Toys made with natural materials are safest for your cat.
Always use cat-safe toys and supervise playtime. Cats swallow things and get tangled very easily.
If you do not play with your kitten regularly, he will find other ways to entertain himself.
FAQ – How do I get my cat to play?
Kittens and cats are very playful by nature. But many people still say to me “my cat isn’t interested in playing“. You need the right toys, patience, and creativity. Think about your cat’s wild side when shopping for toys and when you play. You also need to make playtime a routine. Cat rituals are essential for keeping your cat happy.
Watch my video how I get Jericho to play with me every day.
FAQ – How do I play with my kitten without getting bitten or scratched?
Only play with your kitten using cat-safe toys. Do not use your hands and feet to play with your kitten. This will only teach your cat that biting is acceptable. Also, keep your cat’s claws trimmed regularly (more on this below).
If your kitten bites you, say “no” sternly and walk away. This will teach your kitten that the fun stops when he bites.

4. Cat furniture and beds
Cat furniture, beds, and activity centers make your cat feel at home. Cats see your home as their territory.
Your kitten owns you, not the other way around.
Best furniture for kittens:
Cats love to climb, perch, and scratch. These are natural wild behaviors that we should nurture.
If you do not provide proper climbing and scratching areas, your furniture will suffer.
Never declaw your cat. It is a serious amputation of the toe, not just the claw.
Instead, provide proper areas for your kitten to claim as his own.
Proper enrichment areas will help prevent stress, boredom, and behavior issues.

5. Grooming supplies
Proper grooming supplies are necessary. It’s best to get your kitten used to claw trimmings and teeth brushing as early as possible.
Grooming supplies:
Cats are creatures of habit.
If you start this routine early, you will have much more success when your kitten is an adult.
Check out my guide on natural ways to promote healthy cat teeth.
Take a look at this video to learn how to trim claws safely.

6. Cat carrier and travel supplies
A comfortable cat carrier can make trips to the vet easier.
Travel supplies:
Leave the carrier out for your kitten to explore. Your kitten should see the carrier as a comfy hiding spot and not a fearful death trap.
Train your kitten on a harness and leash early so he is adjusted.
Read about training and more tips in my traveling with cats guide.
Need a centralized place to keep track of everything related to your cat? Grab my Cat Care Binder Bundle!

7. A holistic veterinarian
A holistic veterinarian will treat your cat as an individual. Holistic care refers to treating the body as a whole, not just the symptoms.
In my experience, a holistic vet is more open and knowledgeable about nutrition and natural remedies.
If you live in the US, you can find a holistic vet on the AHVMA. This veterinarian will work with you on proper vaccine schedules to protect your kitten.
It’s great to space these out so you are not overloading your kitten. I choose to do anti-body titer tests from there for adult cats.
You should have a good relationship with your cat’s doctor.

FAQ – Should I get a sibling for my kitten?
Cats are solitary animals in the wild. However, they can learn to love each other indoors.
Sometimes you’ll find bonded pairs at animal shelters. Most shelters will not separate them. Adopt bonded pairs together.
You can adopt two kittens that aren’t bonded at the same time.
However, make sure you introduce them properly. Take it slow when making any changes to your home.

FAQ – How do I introduce a kitten to my cat or dog?
Maybe you already have a cat or a dog at home.
You will need to set up a spare room that can be closed off. Keep your new kitten in the spare room with all the necessary supplies and introduce him to your current animals very slowly.
Check out my full step-by-step guide on how to introduce cats to cats (works for dogs too).

DIY ideas for kittens
DIY cat supplies are best because you control the materials used.
You could make your catnip toys very easily. Homemade toys are best because kittens chew on everything. You don’t want them to ingest anything that has been chemically treated.
Another great tool is my DIY litter genie. Again, this will help make litter waste cleanup more sanitary and easier on you.
For DIY beds, get some comfy blankets and scrunch them up in a box.
Just wash the blanket first. And make sure you replace the box regularly. The kitten will probably scratch or bite at it.
Additional kitten care tips
Use these additional tips to make sure your kitten is properly trained and grows up into a happy cat.
Praise wanted behavior and ignore undesired behavior.
Cats see all attention as positive attention. Never punish or scold your kitten.
This will only teach a kitten to fear you. Instead, only give praise when your kitten displays desired behavior.
Be patient. Cats are territorial creatures.
Your new kitten will take some time to adjust. Don’t rush the process.
I always explain the difference between cats and dogs this way:
Dogs work to earn our trust. But with cats, we have to work to earn theirs.
At the end of the day, cats are social creatures.
Your kitten will come to you when she is ready. Being patient and respecting boundaries will help strengthen your bond.

Final thoughts on kitten care guide
Raising a kitten is a lot of work.
It is your responsibility as a cat parent to dedicate time and patience to your animal companions.
Cats of all ages require a lot more attention than people think.
They need exercise, mental stimulation, and enrichment to be happy in their indoor environments.
If you aren’t sure if you’re ready for a cat, consider volunteering at your local animal shelter.
Need a centralized place to keep track of everything related to your cat? Grab my Cat Care Binder Bundle!
Scroll down for more cute kitten pics!