My apartment cleaning tips will get your chores done in about 2 hours every week.

I bulk my chores together and create a flowing routine.

That way I can spend more time with Jericho!

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Cat-safe cleaning supplies I use:

The wooly dry mop traps hair and dust really well. And it’s washable!

reusable swiffer and cleaning pad

I prefer to use reusable, washable pads because this eliminates waste.

Vinegar and water make an excellent hard floor cleaner that’s safe to use around pets.

Unscented soap is always best when you have pets. The cat’s sense of smell is 40x stronger than ours.

My apartment cleaning routine

  1. Get laundry together
  2. Clean Jericho’s litter box
  3. John cleans the bathroom
  4. I clean the floors
  5. Drop laundry in the washer
  6. Get groceries while laundry washes
  7. Drop laundry in the dryer
  8. Put away laundry
laundry in a basket

I use a pushcart because my laundry room is in the basement.

I like to get the laundry ready before I start cleaning. Otherwise, I might get too tired from scrubbing the floors.

But if the laundry is ready to go I have no excuse!

Cleaning the litter box

I only spend about 5 minutes each week cleaning Jericho’s litter box.

It’s easy and quick because I scoop after he goes. Every time he goes.

And I use a stainless steel litter box which is much more sanitary than plastic.

All I have to do is dump the litter in the box and then clean it in my tub.

I do not have access to an outdoor water source so this is my only option.

Cleaning the bathroom

My partner, John, cleans the bathroom while I do the other chores.

If you live with your partner or roommates, I highly suggest you ask them to help you clean.

Decide on one day each week and make it a routine.

A routine will make sure the chores get done regularly.

We use the same water and vinegar solution to clean the bathroom.

Cleaning the floors

I use the dry wool mop for sweeping because this eliminates dust flying in the air.

Then I spray the water-vinegar solution on the floor. And use the Swiffer and reusable pads to mop up.

The dry wool mop comes downstairs with me when I do laundry. I shake out the dust outside and throw it in the wash (cold, delicate cycle).

Laundry and groceries

The cold, delicate cycle is about 20 minutes.

So I like to use this time to grab groceries or take a walk outside.

Then I come back and put the laundry in the dryer.

shirts on hangers

I stack our clothes together so it’s easy to put hangers through them.

Then I grab everything and hang it.


Final thoughts on apartment cleaning tips

Use cat-safe cleaning supplies in your home. Unscented is always best.

Try to get reusable and washable cleaning supplies to eliminate waste.

Stack your chores on top of each other, ask for help, and create a routine.

Keeping a routine will make chores easier. And you’ll actually get them done quickly every week.

Need help creating a schedule? Grab my cat chore chart printables on Etsy!