Cat routines are important for the most ideal cat schedule. Cats like routine so much because they prefer predictability in their lives.
The most ideal cat schedule includes fresh food and water, a clean litter box, enrichment, and playtime.
I make these part of my daily routine, and Jericho is very happy indoors with me. He went from living on the streets to living on king-sized sheets!
Adding these daily cat routines will help your cats thrive indoors and sleep through the night peacefully. Jericho cuddles with me every night and sleeps until it’s time for breakfast.
Here are the essential cat routines for a happy cat:
- Clean the litter box daily
- Play for 30 minutes daily
- Create a routine within a routine
- Feed your cat at scheduled mealtimes
- Make your cat hunt for treats
- Scheduled brushing for bonding
- Create coming and going routines
- Scheduled bedtime for both of you
Note: Cats are sensitive to change. Try one routine at a time to decrease stress in your cat.
Disclaimer: I earn a commission if you make a purchase through affiliate links below. No additional cost to you.
1. Clean the litter box daily
Unfortunately, litter box maintenance is often overlooked.
I’m sure you’re thinking, “What does the litter box have to do with my cat’s happiness?”

A clean and tidy litter box can prevent health issues and behavioral issues.
- Cats are clean creatures that prefer (and deserve) a clean litter box
- They don’t like to step or dig around pee pee and poopie litter (would you?)
- A clean litter box can prevent litter aversion
You want to keep the litter area clean, right? Well, you have to clean it.
I only spend 5 mins/week on keeping the litter box area clean.
Shop my cat litter box supplies on Amazon:
I’ve scooped hundreds of boxes working as a cat sitter. This is the best routine.
I’ve tried 11 types of litter. And, unfortunately, I’m not 100% pleased with any of them.
A clean and well-maintained litter box is what your cat prefers and deserves. This prevents serious health issues and behavioral issues. Proper litter box maintenance is a must. No exceptions.
2. Play for 30 minutes daily
“My cat isn’t interested in playing.” Bet.
This is my favorite phrase because I’ve heard it so many times from friends, family, clients, and comments/emails from you!
And yet, I’m always able to get other people’s cats to play with me.
Playing is the indoor version of hunting.
- Hunting provides exercise and mental stimulation
- Wild cats hunt 8-10 mice daily
- Proper exercise makes cats tired
- Mental stimulation prevents boredom
Physical activity is important for your cat’s health and well-being.
Establishing routine playtime is the easiest way to get your cat to play. Once the routine is in place, your cat will expect it and love it!
Most cats prefer toys made with natural materials like wool, hemp, fur, and feathers.
These mimic prey in appearance and texture.
I’d suggest buying handmade cat toys on Etsy because they are of better quality.
But there are some gems on Amazon as well. Go for the handmade section.
Shop cat toys on Amazon:
Start with 5 minutes of play a day. That’s it!
Add a few minutes to each day gradually based on your cat’s behavior.
Keep adding time gradually. Work toward at least 30 minutes daily, split into multiple sessions.
Tip: Check out how to get your cat to play for more tips and tricks. Or watch the video below.
Indoor cats do not hunt so playtime is a must. Playtime keeps your cat happy because it provides healthy exercise and mental stimulation.
3. Create a routine within a routine
Have you seen the movie Inception?
“I saw Inception. Or at least I dreamt I did.” – Michael Scott, The Office ????
Establish a routine within a routine for added fun.
- Helps establish the routine even more
- Fun for both of you because it works
- Great bonding experience because you’re spending quality time together
So what do I mean by this “inception” routine?
A few examples:
Every time Jericho scratches his scratching post I toss a toy in the air. He jumps and goes crazy for it.
Now he’s playing more.
Jericho loves to chase cotton ball toys across the room.
I run across the room toward him with my hands up in the air like a maniac. This makes Jericho run back to the other side of the room.
Now he’s using more energy.
Watch how your cat plays. Note routines that your cat already has in place and add on top of that.
Inception routines create more space for playing and using up energy. This makes it fun for both of you and establishes the routine even more.
4. Feed your cat at scheduled mealtimes
Food is not guaranteed in the wild.
Make your cat feel comfortable with scheduled mealtimes.

Ditch the all-access buffet. Offer food at scheduled mealtimes instead.
- Leaving food out all day is unsanitary
- All-access buffet makes cats overeat and gain unnecessary weight
- An overweight cat is less likely to be active during the day
- Low activity during the day means more activity at night
- Scheduled mealtimes mean scheduled bathroom times
Feed your cat at the same times daily.
Another bonus with scheduled mealtime is that your cat will use the box at the same time.
That makes proper litter maintenance easier on you!
Create a cat feeding schedule that works for both of you.
An all-access buffet makes cats lazy and overweight. And it’s unsanitary. Scheduled mealtimes can help your cat get to an ideal weight. Ideal weight means more energy for playing during the day.
5. Make your cat hunt for treats
Hiding treats around your home is a fun and easy way to simulate the hunting experience indoors.
Cats are natural-born hunters.
- Hunting for treats keeps cats entertained
- Keeps cats busy while you work
- Provides mental stimulation
- Prevents boredom
Buy high-quality treats made with meat only.
Cats need meat to survive.
Most crunchy treats are filled with carbs, fillers, and other harmful ingredients.
Healthy cat treats include dehydrated and freeze-dried meats and organs.
Use the buttons below to shop for healthy cat treats.
Create an account with Hare Today and earn discount points on your purchases. I buy all of Jericho’s chunks of meat, meaty bones, and ground meat form Hare Today.
Only Natural Pet also sells healthy cat food brands (all types of food).
Hide treats:
- In cat trees
- On top of scratching posts
- Inside cat beds
- Between furniture
- In the Ripple Rug (you’ll love this activity center)
- On his window perch
- Wherever else they fit

Jericho’s treats are raw. So I use glass jar lids to keep everything sanitary.
He looks forward to this routine every day. And he sleeps peacefully through the night.
Entertain your cat during the day, and he will sleep through the night.
Hiding treats simulates the hunting experience indoors. This keeps cats active, entertained, and happy. An active, happy cat sleeps through the night.
6. Scheduled brushing for bonding
Cats spend 30-40% of their day grooming themselves. Help them out with a nice brushing.
A brushing routine will help your cat love the brush.
- Brushing helps remove dead hair
- Decreases the chance of hairballs
- Brushing also spreads healthy oils
- Promotes healthy coat and skin
- Great bonding experience
I get it. Some cats don’t like sitting still for brushing.
It took quite a while for Jericho to enjoy it.
He still tries to bite or grab the brush.
Use the inception routine here if your cat is the same.
Jericho expects naptime with me after hunting for treats. We’ve had this routine in place for years.
After treats, he comes to me ready to sit in one place. Perfect opportunity for brushing.
Jericho has a full belly, and he’s ready to doze off.
Tips for brushing:
- I use a slicker brush (Jericho prefers this one)
- I’ve also tried the love glove (my clients love it)
- Brush your cat while he faces away from you
- If he doesn’t see the brush coming, he’s less likely to bite it
- Start with the head and back of the neck
- Cats love chin and side-of-the-face scratches, move here next
- Get your cat comfy with these areas first
- Follow the brush with a petting hand
- Stop when your cat has had enough
Be patient and respectful. Don’t push it.
Take baby steps daily until your cat loves the brush.
Tip: Check out my guide how to pet a cat (with pictures).
Scheduled brushing is a wonderful bonding experience. This bonding experience will help your cat feel comfortable with you.
7. Create coming and going routines
Establish cat routines for when you leave and come home for the day.
Coming and going routines will help ease any anxiety your cat has about you leaving.
- Wake up 5 minutes earlier for playtime before mealtime
- Set up hunting treats right before you leave
- Sit together for brushing and cuddling when you come home
- If your cat goes crazy when you come home (like mine does) get the toys out for playtime
By the way, cats hide their emotions.
Weakness in the wild is an easy target for predators. And cats are both predators and prey.
You may think your cat doesn’t miss you, but he does.
Cats prefer human interaction to other stimuli.
Tip: Check out my guide on how to form a strong bond with your cat.
Coming and going routines help your cat feel your love. This eases anxiety and stress.
8. Scheduled bedtime for both of you
Going to bed at the same time every day is good for your cat and good for you too.
Scheduled bedtime tells your cat it’s time for bed.
- Play with your cat before bed
- Feed a large meal after play and before bed
- Used up energy and a full belly means snooze
I’ve always had issues falling asleep. But a scheduled bedtime helped with this tremendously.
Jericho comes right to bed as soon as I turn off the light.
We both sleep through the night until his scheduled breakfast.
If you go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time, your cat will do the same.
But I’m feeling overwhelmed with my cat’s care
Maddie adopted two cats. And unfortunately, one of them passed away very suddenly.
Her other cat started to fear all human contact after this tragic event. And it was difficult for her to bond with him. She felt so guilty and didn’t know how to help her cat adjust to his new home.
So Maddie used my Cat Care Binders & Bonus Videos to get a fun routine going with her cat.
My Cat Care Binders & Bonus Videos are a centralized place to keep track of everything related to your cats. Literally every base is covered.
The binders include medical records, litter box trackers, chore charts, feeding schedules, cat sitter instructions, and so much more. The bonus videos will show you how to form a strong bond with you cat, my 5-minute a week litter cleaning routine, cat food faq, and so much more.
Maddie was able to get a fun routine in place for her cat. This is super important because cats thrive on routine. Now Maddie and her cat are best buds, and he sleeps with her every night. She was so grateful for my binders because the end was not near!
Get my Cat Care Binders & Bonus Videos so you can give your cat a happy and healthy life with you!