glory to Elohiym in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men. luqas 2:14

𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has made it my mission to help you give your cat a happy and healthy life through fun enrichment and a species-appropriate raw diet.

jess and jericho caticles

Hello my friend! I’m Jess and that’s my boss Jericho.

It is a Blessing that you are here! HalleluYAH!

I’ve learned the hard way over and over again with so many cats.

cats in jess caticles life

Whiskas had a stroke. Chelsea had diabetes. Lucky had cancer (only 8 when we put her down). Cocoa died suddenly at age 10 from dehydration. Milo’s liver shut down. Silky died of CKD. And Hemi was only 3.5 years old when we put him down for kidney failure.

So when I adopted Jericho I knew I had to do better.

I dove straight into learning how to read labels. And my cat sitting boss at the time told me all of her future cats will eat raw.

And then I thought… Well, duh this matches what our Creator gave our cats for food!

But when I first started switching Jericho’s food I was kinda all over the place.

I was cat sitting and dog walking at the time so I typically left around 5 am, came home for a quick lunch break, back out, and then home around 9 pm.

I didn’t have a proper plan in place, and I actually ended up overfeeding Jericho. He gained some extra weight and went from 10 to 12 pounds.

Then I got scared of obesity and cut down his food. And then I didn’t feed him enough, and he went too far underweight – only 7 pounds.

cat cuddling with human in bed

I remember he was so desperate for nutrients that he stole a steamed carrot and even ate some of his litter clump! Poor guy!

Well now I know the best way (and my biggest tip to you) to switch your cat’s food is to have a proper plan in place.

For me, that’s weighing Jericho weekly, tracking his eating habits daily, and taking notes every time I portion his food.

That way I have a proper plan for how much I need to batch out, how much to feed, and how I can adjust as needed.

I finally got a good plan for Jericho, and it was great! I saw so much better results with Jericho.

He’s 8 years old and still runs around like he’s a kitten every day! He drifts around the corner like a race car driver. He loves our cuddle sessions every day too (like stares daggers at me until I lay down), he uses the bathroom every time (his poops don’t stink and no he’s never had any parasites), and our bond has gotten so much stronger.

jericho eating ground raw food jess caticles

Everything was going great until…

Our favorite raw cat food brand was forced to recall and went out of business because of it.

This was 7 years ago. And if you think there aren’t as many options for cats today – woo! There was nothing back then!

I finally found a raw cat food brand that I could try. But there were only two protein options and lots of synthetic supplements.

I felt stuck and overwhelmed so I just settled on that one.

That was the push I needed to switch to a DIY raw diet.

I started with the simplest option. I used ground raw meat, bones, and organs plus a completer premix.

hare today cat food supplies

It was so simple. And I loved that I had complete control over Jericho’s diet.

No more relying on someone else to make the food for me! I have control over the quality, how it’s made, the cost.

No more worrying about recalls or ingredient changes or companies going out of business.

Side note – the raw cat food brand that I had to settle on when I had no other option… They don’t make cat food anymore!

So I started this business to show cat guardians around the world how to read labels, switch to raw, and make DIY raw and homemade food.

It’s such a Blessing that I get to connect with cat guardians and share our experiences. To hear all the success stories is amazing.

Cats are getting to a healthy, ideal weight. Seniors are getting their energy back. Health issues are going away.

And cat guardians are finally feeling confident that their cats are getting the best.

sparrow wobblingtoyou ig homemade testimonial

I was really happy with Jericho’s diet and results, but I wanted to get more into a whole food DIY raw diet. I didn’t want to rely on the completer premix forever.

That’s also around the same time we lost Hemi. Only 3.5 years old. I still can’t believe it.

cat cuddling my leg

But Hemi was the push I needed to further my education and training to become a Clinical Pet Nutritionist.

Now I have the following certifications:

  • Natural Animal Nutrition from The College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies
  • Clinical Pet Nutritionist from The Academy of Natural Health Sciences
jess caticles pet food certificates civt academy of natural health sciences

I’m also a professional member of the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society – listed as a pet nutritionist.

So now not only can I formulate Jericho’s diet, but I can also formulate recipes for everyone here!

It’s truly amazing because now I feel like I have even more control over Jericho’s diet. He was eating more variety, raw meaty bones, and whole food supplements instead of synthetic supplements.

And now he’s eating 50/50 whole prey and ground raw meat, bones, and organs, and whole food supplements.

whole prey raw diet meal prep for cats jess caticles

It’s life-changing to see that REAL cat food is what can help our cats live a happy, healthy, and THRIVING life with us.

And I show you how to switch to a raw and homemade diet inside my Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint.

You get 17 balanced recipes for adult cats (raw and cooked), my proven food transition plan (aka no more dealing with a picky cat!), meal prep tips and tricks, and so much more.

Raw Feeding Cats Blueprint is available in 3 different formats to support all learning types:

Hundreds of cat parents I’ve worked with feel more empowered to know what’s good and what should be avoided for their cats.

And their cats are healthier because of it!