cat eating homemade raw cat food

Finally, switch your cat to raw and make homemade cat food with my done-for-you transition plans

Feed your cat the best species-appropriate raw diet

From “my cat is too picky” to “my cat LOVES raw!!”

No more trying to figure it out on your own.

cat eating homemade raw cat food

Clinical Pet Nutritionist certified in Natural Animal Nutrition

Positive and fun cat food transition plans done for you

Guided self-paced videos and planners for better results

cat and raw food

You love your cat-but meal times aren’t always fun.

From reading labels to switching your cat’s food, raw diets can feel stressful and overwhelming.Β 

Life gets in the way, and there’s too much to do.Β 

Learning how to switch to raw and make homemade cat food on your own can make the transition slower and more difficult.

Why spend more time trying to figure it out on your own when you can have a proven transition plan and complete cat food recipes handed to you?

Let me show you how to switch to raw and make homemade cat food easily and confidently.

My signature PURR Plan (Plan, Upgrade, Routine, Repeat) is the fastest and most effective way to switch your cat to raw.

As a Clinical Pet Nutritionist certified in Natural Animal Nutrition, I’ve discovered the best ways to work with our cat’s natural instincts and needs to successfully switch to raw. 

Every week is planned out for you so you know exactly what to do every step of the way. No more trying to figure it out on your own.

I’ve expanded my education and training in cat nutrition and diet formulation software. Get peace of mind knowing that these courses are created by a professional.

I prefer to say that cats are cautious (not picky!) because cautious eating is a natural instinct that all cats have. My courses will help you work with your cat’s natural instincts so you can focus on having more fun time with your best friend.Β 

Raw feeding and homemade cat food made easy

My self-paced video courses Switch to Raw Blueprint and Homemade Cat Food Starter Kit help you and your cat go from:

Overly processed food to a fresh, raw diet
Frustrating feeding to fun, enjoyable mealtimes
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed to relieved that you know you’re feeding your cat the best
cat eating homemade raw food

Switch to Raw Blueprint and Homemade Cat Food Starter Kit video courses include:

cat eating homemade raw cat food

What other cat parents are saying...

Vanesa went from feeling frustrated to improving her routine and having more fun with Tomas!

tomas and vanesa switch to raw testimonial "thank you jess and jericho for your ebook and videos it really helped a lot! it took a while for us to make this transition! thank you for helping me improve our routine, stay calm and have more fun time with Tomas as he started trusting his food."

Booger is 14 and still switched to raw! He lost weight, became more playful, and now his coat is beautiful and glossy.

barbara booger lucy switch to raw testimonial "Thanks to you Jess, my 14 yr old Booger lost a couple of pounds when I transitioned them to raw, he and Lucy Girl. They love VIVARAW!! Booger became playful again and their coats are beautiful and glossy."

Pamela wants Ruger to have a happy, thriving life. So she switched to raw using my signature PURR plan that works!

pamela and ruger switch to raw testimonial

Diane’s kitty is so healthy and happy after switching to raw!

diane raw testimonial

Sandra feels her bond with Avery and Dirk is stronger now than it’s ever been before because she knows they are getting the best food.

sandra dirk avery switch to raw testimonial

Brando and CoCoNuts no longer have severe health problems they started having prior to finding my plans!

coconuts and brando switch to raw testimonial

Sparrow’s mom felt overwhelmed trying to figure out homemade raw on her own. Until she bought my course!

sparrow wobblingtoyou ig homemade testimonial

Fresh food restored Dawna’s clowder from health issues. And she was able to make homemade food without feeling intimidated.

dawna's cats

β€œJess breaks it down into small steps and takes out the intimidation factor out of making your own cat food. It is money well-spent to get someone to help you troubleshoot problems, walk you through the process and cheer you on every step of the way.” – Dawna and her clowder

jess and jericho caticles

Hello my friend! It's Jess and my boss Jericho

I’ve learned the hard way over and over again with cats in my life all eating processed dry food. Diabetes, liver disease, cancer, CKD, obesity, shortened lives, and the list goes on.

It’s heartbreaking, stressful, and frustrating that this is becoming “normal” for our cats.

So 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 has made it my mission to create a new normal for cats: a thriving life through a species-appropriate raw diet!Β 

I’m a Clinical Pet Nutritionist certified in Natural Animal Nutrition and a happy servant to my cat, Jericho.

Positive feeding routines and taking complete control of your cat’s diet empowers you and helps you form the strongest bond with your best friend.

You can feed your cat better without the stress and overwhelm of dealing with a cautious (not picky!) cat.Β 

And I would be honored to show you how!

How to switch to raw and make homemade cat food

cat eating raw food

Step 1: Switch to Raw Blueprint

Switch from a processed dry/wet canned food to a commercially available premade raw diet first. This gradual upgrade helps your cat adjust to fresh food without you feeling overwhelmed making the food yourself.

cat eating homemade raw cat food

Homemade Cat Food Starter Kit

Now that your cat is eating 100% premade raw, you're ready to make homemade cat food! This course comes with 17 complete recipes so you can offer lots of variety.

Guaranteed to help you give your cat a thriving life

While none of us can make health claims and guarantee results... I can guarantee to set you and your cat up for success. I provide the tools and resources that you need to give your cat a thriving life through a species-appropriate raw diet.

jess and jericho

You can give your cat a thriving life with a species-appropriate raw diet. Why wait?

Think of ditching processed food for a fresh food diet as a long-term investment in your cat’s wellbeing and an enjoyable life with your cat.Β 

No more stress. No more overwhelm. No more trying to figure it out on your own.

Get my shortcut done-for-you plans inside my courses!